
Archive for July 15th, 2017

OK, this is a record for me. 7 day tour and 7 days of rain. Today was predicted to be warm and sunny all day but instead we hovered around 60°, nasty headwind all day with some wicked gusts, mostly clouds, rain and an occasional peek of sun.  We rode mostly along the shores of Lake Huron and did have some very nice views. 

This little guy is Elliot age 7, the youngest rider on the tour and rode the entire 340 miles on a triple with his 10 year old sister and their dad. Every single person got to know and love Elliot. 

Cedarville is the area’s major shopping center and the traffic was heavy along the highway.  Here is the Shell Art Gallery. 
A little more of Cedarville. Lunch today was a Twix bar and bottle of Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino while standing in a gas station. 

This one’s for Dorothy, there was a brief period of blue sky and sun.

The Monarch Butterfly population has seen a severe decline recently. The Upper Peninsula plays a key role in their survival so the Superior Watershed Partnersip has taken on a project to try and promote the population.  The SWP has distributed over 10,000 milkweed seed packets to Upper Peninsula communities, schools, churches and community groups on Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. 

Dick Bartz sent me an interesting article about the project. http://superiorwatersheds.org/swp-helps-protect-severely-declining-monarch-butterfly

And we’re back. Time for a warm shower before the drive home. 

I had three flats which is extremely rare for me. One was a cut in the sidewalk so I used the old folded dollar bill trick to create a boot and it held. 

Even though we had rain every day I only had to actually ride the bike in it 3 days and I never had to set up or take down my tent in the rain so it could have been worse. 

Thank you to everyone who read my blog and I really appreciate the comments some of you left for me, even though I didn’t respond to most of them. It felt like getting mail from home. 

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