
Archive for July 14th, 2017

Today we ride along the St. Marys River which is the primary shipping lane for the Great Lakes freighters. Our destination is pronounced de TOUR with the accent on the second half, not DEE tour and has a population of 400. It means turning place where the river empties into Lake Huron and ships have to make a sharp turn to head down to the Straits of Mackinac. 

Today gave us a bit more scenery to look at than previous days but the SAG stops ran out of food and there were no options to buy lunch today so the Raber Township Hall made an excellent lunch for us but it wasn’t until mile 50. 

Pickford is home to the 300 or so horses from Mackinac Island over the winter. They supposedly have ideal soil and climate for growing a superior grade of hay. 

The Pickford Museum had many interesting artifacts
One that I found particularly interesting was the baseball uniform of Rosemary Stevenson. She grew up near here on a dairy farm, milked the cows in the morning and went to practice in the afternoon at Pickford High School. She played in the All American Girls Professional Baseball Leauge and her story is told in the movie “A Leauge of Their Own”. 

Just a wide spot in the road is Goetzville where Yooper’s can gather.  This will make sense if you read the first article of this trip. 

Another day when the rain was supposed to stop by 10 am but lasted all day.  The utilities department let us use a hose to wash some of the filth off our bikes which was really appreciated. 

My grandson would have a ball here in the school yard. This is less than half of the play equipment. 

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